Home Recipes Sourdough Bread Good For Your Gut! Plus Recipe!

Sourdough Bread Good For Your Gut! Plus Recipe!


If you love the taste of sourdough bread you will be pleased to find out that it’s actually good for your gut health! There are probiotic microorganisms that are created when fermenting the dough that have been shown to help:

1. Digest and absorb the foods you eat:

Sourdough has most everything needed for optimum nutritional absorption. To absorb calcium, you need magnesium. To absorb magnesium, you need vitamin E, C, etc. Most of these are in the sourdough microorganisms, thus providing optimum absorption.

2. Help maintain a healthy intestinal tract:

Inhibits the growth of bad bacteria by creating a more acidic environment, producing anti-bacterial agents, and absorbing all the B vitamins from their surroundings leaving none for the harmful bacteria.

3. Contain uniquely balanced proteins, fatty acids, cellulose, minerals, and innumerable other nutrients our bodies need:

Sourdough provides vitamins B1 through B6 from lactobacillus and B12 vitamins from wild yeast. Wild yeast multiplies aerobically because they have oxygen in them that feed your blood cells. Most plant proteins including grains, seeds, cereals, beans, nuts, and some grasses from gluten. Unlike, sourdough microflora which has all the amino acids available, without the protein that forms gluten.

If you are ready to make your own check out this beginners sourdough recipe!


First you need a starter, there are so many sourdough starters out there and once you get some experience under your belt you can certainly explore the different flavors, but for first timers we suggest San Francisco Sourdough Starter.

This San Francisco Sourdough Starter Culture contains Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis bacteria and wild yeast Candida humilis, giving this sourdough starter that famous San Francisco taste.

It is made with organic white wheat flour and is made without GMO’s. If you are new to sourdough baking it is recommended that you purchase a starter.

Get the sourdough starter here on Amazon!

Sourdough starters require feedings. Feeding a sourdough starter is easy. It consists of adding flour and water to an existing starter.

Feed it about once a week and store it in the refrigerator. Give it 3 feedings (8-12 hours between each feeding is necessary) so it is good and bubbly.

Mix together the sourdough starter, salt, water, and flour. It is best to keep the dough really sticky.

It will transform to a smooth dough, but a wetter dough creates a lighter, less dense loaf. Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes.

Once you are finished kneading the dough, split the dough into two equal portions. This recipe makes 2 loaves.

Form your dough into a ball and place it into a floured banneton and place the smooth side down (leaving the pinched bottom face up).

You can also use a 5″x9″ greased loaf pan if you desire. If you use a loaf pan, note that the crust won’t be as crunchy as that of a banneton loaf.

Allow the dough to proof (or rise) for 2-8 hours. I know the time varies dramatically, but this time will differ with the changing temperatures.

Cover it with greased plastic and wait for it to double in size.

Gently flip over into the preheated la cloche, score the bread if desired, and bake at 400 degress F for about 30 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 200 degrees F.

When the bread is finished baking, allow it to cool a few minutes before removing from the pan!

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