Home Environment 5 Ways to Have an Eco-friendly Camping Trip

5 Ways to Have an Eco-friendly Camping Trip


Camping is a great outdoor activity that allows you to enjoy fresh air, socialize with other
people, and bask in the sunshine. It can also relieve the biggest health struggle most people face:

Stress. With the mental and physical benefits camping can provide, you can look at it as an outlet to recharge and renew your energy.

To continually enjoy the benefits of camping, it’s vital that you do your share in taking care of the environment. It’ll be challenging to camp if there are no trees in the forest and the rivers are dry.

Make all of your upcoming camping trips eco-friendly by following these useful tips:

1. Treat Cleanup As A Game
You can engage in other outdoor activities when you’re camping. Depending on your preference, you can spend the weekend hiking and camping, or engage in some water activities. Switching things up can make camping more exciting, so why not do the same in taking care of the environment?

Instead of merely instructing your kids to pick up the trash, why not make cleanup a game? You can provide prizes to anyone who cleans their area first or fills their trash bag first. Expand the coverage of the game by going on a hike and pick up trash that was left by other campers. Treating cleanup as a game is like hitting two birds with one stone – you’ll be able to care for the environment and keep the campers busy.

2. Prepare Your Own Meals
You will need to bring food whenever camping. A full-stomach ensures the success of your
camping trip and your ability to engage in other physical activities. When planning meals for your upcoming camping trip, forget about buying ready-made food and opt to make them from scratch.

Preparing your own meals allows you to bring food that suits your nutritional requirements and pack them in reusable and washable containers. Buying protein bars, chips, and ready-made meals from the store might be convenient, but it can result in more packaging waste or food wrappers. These products are usually packed using plastic – a material that can be harmful to the environment.

Aside from getting the essential nutrients and taking care of the environment, preparing your own meals can also help you save money.

3. Bring Reusable Bottles
Along with food, beverages that come in plastic containers are also available today. However, the use of plastic bottles can bring danger to your health and the environment.
According to studies, chemicals used in the production of plastic bottles can seep into the water and can cause high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Plastic bottles can be harmful to the environment because they are not biodegradable but can only be broken down into smaller pieces.

Stop contributing to this damage by saying “no” to the use of plastic water bottles. Avoid using plastic and swap them for reusable water containers instead. Because this product can be purchased almost anywhere, you can buy reusable water containers that can store enough water for your camping trip.

4. Stay In Designated Campsites
Spontaneous trips can be fun because nothing is ever planned, but when you do the same in camping, it can pose damage to the environment. Setting up your tent in a lush green forest that gives you a breathtaking view of the lake might be your idea of the perfect campsite, but if the area is not meant for camping, don’t do it.

Choosing to stay in areas that aren’t designated campsites will usually require you to cut nearby plants and alter the composition of the soil. How else can you set up your tent if the ground isn’t flat or the area is surrounded by trees? Changing natural resources just to suit your needs can create long-term consequences.

Make sure to only stay in designated campsites. If you already set a date for your camping trip, research on campsites that offer the activities you want. With the number of campsites available in different parts of the globe, you’ll surely find one that fits the bill.

5. Use Natural Bug Spray And Sunscreen
Since you’ll be staying outdoors when camping, protecting your body from insects and from the sun is vital. Mosquitoes are common camping insects that can cause fatal diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. On the other hand, excessive sun exposure can increase the risks of premature aging, sunburn, and skin damage.

To protect yourself from insects and the sun’s harmful rays without harming the environment, opt to use natural body products only. Mass-produced bug sprays and sunscreens contain strong chemicals that are toxic to the air, animals, water, and even to your own health.

Try safer alternatives by making your own natural bug spray and sunscreen. Essential oils such as thyme, rosemary, and catnip can be used as natural bug spray while almond oil, carrot seed oil, and Shea butter can be used as ingredients for a natural homemade sunscreen.

Your Efforts Count
Everyone should be responsible for taking care of the environment. Changing some of your camping routines might be daunting and stressful, but your efforts will surely go a long way. By following these eco-friendly tips, you can preserve the environment and make sure that you and the future generations can still enjoy camping!

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