This small Italian village is known for its mint essential oils. The land and environment in Pancalieri have provided excellent conditions for growing a variety of mints. In August you can smell the essence of mint wafting through the...
When it comes to cleaning your home many people believe it is necessary to use harsh chemicals to kill germs and sanitize appliances but that is a common misconception, in fact, essential oils are just as effective at removing...
It’s the season where things like colds and flu rear their heads and fatigue, chills, body aches and pains, headache, congestion, sneezing and coughing set in, but before you reach for over the counter, synthetic cold medicines that come...
As someone with insomnia and anxiety sometimes it is incredibly difficult for me to fall asleep. Racing thoughts keep my mind awake and me tired and uncomfortable. I started diffusing some of the oils I often use to induce...
For cancer patients it is a fight for their life and many uninformed people are suffering without assistance from plant based solutions. Cancer research strongly suggests that essential oils can help not only prevent but treat cancer at the...
When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest and with benefits such being anti-inflammatory....
I recently returned to the New England area, and people here are crazy about avoiding Lyme disease! Some go as far as never going into the woods, or making their children wear shoes AT ALL TIMES. Well...that’s not going to work...