About a year ago, I decided to give up alcohol.   I wasn't a big drinker since becoming a mother, but I felt like the impact on my productivity, physical, and emotional health wasn't in alignment with the path that...
Summer is here and what better way to enjoy your garden than creating fresh recipes from the produce you grew yourself! My favorite childhood memories are during the summer when my mom would be gardening in our front yard.  I...
As someone with insomnia and anxiety sometimes it is incredibly difficult for me to fall asleep. Racing thoughts keep my mind awake and me tired and uncomfortable. I started diffusing some of the oils I often use to induce...
When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest and with benefits such being anti-inflammatory....
White willow bark has been consumed medicinally for centuries. It wasn't until 1829 that scientists found its active ingredient, salicin, which has similar health effects to aspirin. Hence, white willow bark is known as the original aspirin. The willow...
If you love the taste of sourdough bread you will be pleased to find out that it's actually good for your gut health! There are probiotic microorganisms that are created when fermenting the dough that have been shown to...
It's that time of year and while the seasons are not changing like I am used to from childhood (I'm a girl from the snow belt living in southern Mexico's Acapulco Bay), I have determined it's time for pumpkin...
Health Benefits Of Juicing When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and can provide you with a number of medicinal benefits such...
Rice and beans. These two staples are the go-to foods for when you're trying to survive, either financially--or literally. Dried rice and dried beans are both cheap to buy in bulk and easy to store for long periods. However, when it comes...
Now I’ve said before that I’ve not been terribly impressed with gluten free baking in terms of flavor and texture and that’s the truth. I finally found a recipe that I really feel is worth a damn as far...
Yesterday we finally tasted the weed berry booch and it honestly wasn’t what we expected. Despite having only added berries and cannabis leaves, my once tart brew was sweet like a juice. It’s something we find interesting and plan...
As a Cannabis lover, my first question when trying new things is almost always something along the lines of “Can I put weed in it?” I kid you not, as stereotypical as it is that’s where my mind goes....