Home Recipes Dandelion Jelly Recipe: How to Make Food From Weeds

Dandelion Jelly Recipe: How to Make Food From Weeds


dandelionjellyDandelions in particular have been known to be a pesky weed to gardeners when actually, they provide many great benefits. Dandelion leaves are edible and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin C, and more iron and calcium than spinach!

Dandelion roots can be made into a few popular drinks. Their roots can be ground into a coffee substitute, and the flowers can be made into wine. If you use the leaves to make tea, it can help calm stomach aches. The flowers themselves can be made into a sweet dandelion jelly!

Dandelion Jelly Full recipe:

4 Cups Dandelion Petals

3 Cups Dandelion Liquid

4 1/2 Cups of Sugar

2 TBS of Lemon Juice

1 Box of Powdered Pectin

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1. After removing dandelion petals, place in a bowl and cover them with boiling water. Cover the mixture and let it sit overnight on the counter.

2. Strain the petals out of the liquid, then strain through a jelly bag or coffee filter.

3. Place dandelion liquid, lemon juice, and one box of powdered pectin into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil.

4. Add sugar. stirring constantly, bring the mixture back to a boil and continue boiling and stirring for two minutes. Remove from heat and skim off foam.

5. Place into jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace and process for ten minutes.

Along with dandelions, there are many different kinds of edible flowers with many various aromas and tastes including but not limited to: roses, violets, lilac, lavender, honeysuckles, elderflower, hibiscus, marigold and so many more! To many, it is surprising to discover how many flowers are actually edible and all the simple and delicious ways you can prepare them!

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[…] coffee, dandelion flowers relieve pain from headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps and can make wonderful jelly, and its sap can help acne, skin diseases, burns and stings, and has anti aging […]


[…] dandelion flowers relieve pain from headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps and can make wonderful jelly, its sap can help acne, skin diseases, burns and stings, and has anti aging properties, the root […]


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[…] Dandelions have more benefits to the skin, hair and organs it can be made into coffee, wine, jelly and so much more! Not to mention how important they are to our pollinators such as bees! If you are […]

5 years ago

What is the quantity of a box of pectin please? I feel like this may be crucial when adding to all the other measures ingredients.
Thank you, Zoe.


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