Home Featured Catherine Bleish What is a Flower Essence? Feature on Turks Cap

What is a Flower Essence? Feature on Turks Cap


Catherine and her friend Juliet talk about flower essences at Barton Springs in Austin, Texas. Turks Cap is a native Texas flower, named ofter is appearance.

This flower is good for releasing ancestral trauma that goes back generations in your family, for example addictions or mindsets/belief systems that are limiting the growth and progress of your soul.

This plant is great at releasing this type of trauma from your body, mind and soul. Any sort of body trauma in the lower chakras can be released – anger, etc….

To utilized this flower and create a flower essence you living living spring water. You first collected a few flowers from a very lively bush that has abundance medicine being offered. Early morning is a good time to collect spring water (you can use bottled water if you don’t have a fresh spring like Juliet does in Austin).

Collect 3-5 flowers in a glass container with the living water and set it in the sun for 2-3 hours (morning sun is best). To preserve them, Juliet is using a local vodka, but you can also use apple cider vinegar.

This is a tincture you then take under your tongue, a few drops for several weeks. You can take it many times through the day, usually more frequently at the beginning. Its an intuitive medicine, using the energy vibration frequency of the flower. “Flower Rieki”.

To purchase flower essences from Juliet: https://www.etsy.com/shop/InnerLightEssences

To learn more about flower essences:

 Get the book here on Amazon!



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