The debate is over: The MMR vaccine can cause Autism, and the CDC is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up this fact.


    Dr. Matthew Buckley can be reached via:

    For years, proponents of vaccines have claimed that there was no evidence showing a direct link between vaccines and autism, despite the mountain of evidence which contradicted their claims.(1)  The proponents of vaccines would cite studies published in the Journal of Pediatrics which appeared to refute any link between vaccines and autism, and even more vociferously deny any link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, ultimately ruining the career of Dr. Andrew Wakefield over his findings of a link between autism and MMR in a very heavy media smear campaign.  Well, we now have proof that the chief authors of the 2004 study, including executives within the CDC, which alleged no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, conspired to cook the data, in order to deny the link.  How do we know that?  One of the authors, Dr. William Thompson, of the Journal of Pediatrics 2004 research paper which alleged no link between MMR and autism has come forward and made a confession to Dr. Brian Hooker, a confession which we now have a recording of.

    Here is a video summarizing some of the key findings:

    In summary, here’s what we know about the CDC and MMR:

    Executives at the CDC, Dr. Frank Stefano, in particular,  knowingly excluded data from a key research paper which apparently refuted a link between autism and the MMR vaccine.  Dr. William Thompson has made a public statement admitting that his phone conversations were recorded, and has not denied anything which Dr. Hooker has leaked to the public about his confession.(2)

    The data, had it been included in the final paper, indicated a 300% increase in autism amongst African American children. (3)

    The CDC has sat on the evidence of a link between autism and the MMR vaccine for at least 10 years, and has continued to recommend the MMR vaccine for all children, injuring thousands in the process in their criminal negligence.

    More on vaccines from the Homestead Guru: Vaccines and Pregnancy: The Criminal Conspiracy to Create Autism

    Questions everybody should be asking:

    If the CDC cooked the data on this study, how can they be trusted with any suggestion they make, or have made?  What other studies are bogus?

    Given the hysteria over Ebola and the fast tracking of an unproven Ebola vaccine, how can anybody put any faith in them to put forward honest information about the reality of the infectious disease?(4)  Remember this when talks about mandatory vaccination comes, because I believe the talk is going to be heavy come 2015.

    There are websites which are attempting to minimize the significance of this story, trying to say that the data doesn’t mean what  people such as myself say that it means, and to them, I ask:  If this was such a non-issue, why would Dr. Thompson give emotional phone calls to Dr. Hooker and basically admit his “sins” in covering up this fact?  If it was merely a matter of excluding data in a very explainable way, why the undeniable tone of guilt?   Why would you say, “I’ve stopped lying.”

    The fact is, the Cochrane Review, which is an organization dedicated to analyzing studies, smelled a rat when the original study was published back in 2004.  You can read about that here.

    Where is the mainstream media coverage of this?  What is their agenda in NOT doing their job in reporting this study?  (Hint: the pharmaceutical industry pays for more advertising space than any other industry.)  Do you think it’s not newsworthy that we have proof that the CDC has covered up the fact that there is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism?  Do you think it’s not newsworthy,  that an executive at the CDC conspired with other authors to cook the data in an attempt to deny the link between the MMR and autism?  How many people would not be dealing autism right now had the CDC published the true data of the study?   Why are we paying taxes to support such an institution of lies and misery?

    More on vaccines from the Homestead Guru: Synergistic Destruction

    Personally, I don’t believe the CDC is going to be able to survive the end result of this story.  Their credibility has been waning for some time, and this information has the potential to completely sink them.  I hope it does.  If you value your health, help sink them by spreading this story.  They’re not your friend, they never have been.

    This post was reposted with permission and can also be found here.

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    a concerned parent
    a concerned parent
    9 years ago

    Oh look, another snake oil salesman fake doctor / chiropractor with a confirmation bias trying to preach to his choir of idiots about stuff that none of you understand. Andrew Wakefield is a fraud and should be in jail for the damage that he and his followers have caused. Are you proud to be part of the movement that is bringing preventable diseases back? That will be your legacy. When the antivax movement finally dies, history will remember your kind as, at best idiots, and at worst, monsters. I will have to raise my child in a world that is… Read more »

    8 years ago

    who are you ” a concerned parent” to judge other peoples opinions and findings,, if you want to vaccinate your kids go a head and don’t forget to start with yourself first,,,, very ignorant and stupid….

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Jenny

    There is no such thing as “Who are you to…” in discussions on matters of fact, since matters of fact are determined through evidence and reason, and not via the personhood of the one who puts forth an idea or argument. “Who are you to…?” is just an ad hominem argument, which along with its counterpart, argumentum ad verecundiam, are logical fallacies, and are veridically worthless. If someone says 2 + 2 = 4, you don’t ask them who they are to say that, you simply offer agreement. If someone says 2 + 2 = 9, you don’t ask them… Read more »

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    go to h_ _ _!

    5 years ago
    Reply to  jlis

    why cuz we have evidence on our side and you don’t? By not vaccinating you put the elderly, sick people (like me), and newborns at risk – but you’re convinced you and dr. buckley know more about modern medicine than the overwhelming majority of doctors?Matthew Buckley isn’t even a real doctor – a chiropractor is not a real doctor. Did you know that?

    Catherine Bleish
    5 years ago
    Reply to  Ryguy

    He is the best doctor I have ever been to. He healed my daughter’s Lyme and helped me deal with a brown recluse bite. I have seen him help so many people.

    5 years ago
    Reply to  Jenny

    they’re fraudulent findings

    5 years ago
    Reply to  Ryguy

    Nah bruh vaccines are fraudulent. Vaccines cause autism and sids 5x more than unvaxed kids. Parents witness their child go into autism. Doctors see kids go into autism. Whistleblowers claim cdc vaccine study fraud. Oral polio vaccine causes polio and infected people with monkey virus. But you dumb flat earther magical thinkers with zero background in critical thinking and science think vaccines work. Even the cdc admits vaccines cause autism but their lame excuse is it’s a “small” percentage, and you flat earther unicorn riders give the cdc control over everyone. You provaxhole sheeple deserve the brain damage you get.

    8 years ago

    I have to raise a child with autism in this world now. I am saddened that you know nothing of the truth behind this epidemic of autism. Please, consider that there may be a link and that you may be wrong. Why would so many parents report a regression into autism after the MMR vaccine? Just because the media does not cover something, does not make it false. Please open up your eyes.

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Christi

    Hey Christi. Is your kid still alive? You should be thankful instead of a bitch

    8 years ago
    Reply to  Derek

    Wow. What a hateful reply. I’m sure Christi would rather her child be alive without autism if she had the chance to undo the damage caused by vaccines. Are we to believe that every antibiotic or prescription given to mankind has a laundry list of side effects but that vaccines have none? LOL. Sorry, we’re onto your crimes against humanity (and what’s most horrifying is that they’re using innocent, pure children). Read the insert to the TDAP vaccine and the list of possible problems associated with the vaccine. I’m sure if a doctor (who is supposed to FIRST DO NO… Read more »

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Derek

    Let’s all hope you get a child with autism after the MMR vaccine so we can all tell you to be happy he/she is alive. Idiot!

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Derek

    Do you have a child???

    5 years ago
    Reply to  Derek

    Derek you are quite simply a massive raging c u nt

    Another concerned parent
    Another concerned parent
    8 years ago

    I think you missed the point here concerned parent. The CDC has withheld important data from you and lied about for 10 years and now it is public record. Trust the Cochran Review, it is where all doctors go to sort through the research mess. They have no bias. They take all the hundreds of studies published and sort through the good bad and ugly accounting for study strength and then give a recommendation based on all the available credible evidence. They don’t count antivax opinion, or otherwise. If they smell a rat, there is a rat. So if your… Read more »

    Atomic Nixon
    Atomic Nixon
    8 years ago

    They never get into the particulars of this “cover-up” do they. *sigh* The data that was tossed due to flawed methodology was from a grand total of FIVE CHILDREN!!! FIVE!! Also, how is it that this points to black kids being more susceptible since they are biologically IDENTICAL to kids of every other race on this earth? And Wakefield? Again, facts, court records. There are letters between him and a bunch of lawyers discussing what would be needed to discredit the MMR vaccine TWO YEARS before his so-called “studies” which he falsified the data for.

    Fact. Look it up.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Atomic Nixon

    And yet, Atomc Nixon, more Black children and adults suffer from sickle cell anaemia . . why is that then? More Basques have Onegative blood with antibodies. . Groups of people, whil biologically the same, have differences, and those differences could be the key to why some people are affected by a medication and others are not.

    Just backing you up val
    Just backing you up val
    7 years ago
    Reply to  valerie

    This is true. I worked at a blood bank. It’s not out of this world to think the vaccine would effect certain ethnicities more than others.

    7 years ago
    Reply to  valerie

    The problem is ingredients they use in vaccine!
    read them and study!!!
    and also vaccination needs ONLY when is epidemic to prevent
    But in our era
    not really need them
    look at youtube
    and listen professional doctors interviews!!!!

    7 years ago

    Don’t even bother engaging with these idiots. They are probably hired by the illuminati families! Or work for CDC! This is all coming out now and they will get the death penalty soon

    Sorry, about your child. Even more sorry you have to deal with unconscious idiots!

    5 years ago
    Reply to  Jen

    like yourself?
    I have MS and can’t get vaccines – i’d be first in line if I could though cuz I understand and respect modern medicine. You know why we don’t need to worry about most diseases nowadays?

    Catherine Bleish
    5 years ago
    Reply to  ryguy

    Or, because of sanitation? Education? Awareness? Hygiene? Running water?

    April F.
    April F.
    7 years ago

    The CDC is bought and paid for by big pharma. It’s sad that you don’t know any better. The only reason that everyone now thinks that Wakefield is a fraud, is because Big pharma used their billions of dollars, and influence, to threaten his life and career if he didn’t retract the paper. Do you not see how many other whistleblowers have come forward since then, acknowledging that everything he said was true? Let me sell you some swampland in Florida, because you’re obviously too naive to do the research yourself.

    7 years ago

    Its Unbelievable!!!!
    Seems like you have NO EDUCATION AT ALL!!!
    Shut your mouth!
    If you don’t have a vaccine injured child, then
    don’t judge others!!!
    Continue vaccinate yourself and your family, its your choice!!!!
    Make sure get combo of vaccine just how they requested.

    5 years ago
    Reply to  sonya

    like these cases? I do judge you cuz you don’ tknow what you’re talking about and you put people like me at risk –
    You kid is not vaccine injured, but even if they are – compared to what might have otherwise been without vaccines – it’s a small price to pay. The chance of getting a vaccine related ‘injury’ is officially 2 /1,000,000 – so let’s say that those numbers are wrong and it’s really 1,000/1,000,000 or 1/1000 chance. That’s still minuscule compared to all the diseases that vaccines prevent.

    Catherine Bleish
    5 years ago
    Reply to  Ryguy

    Actually, if you read the vaccine inserts it makes it clear that people with healthy immune systems can handle the diseases they are vaccinating for.

    5 years ago

    I find it so amusing how you people always pretend like it’s t”his one guy who just made up some bs” lol wake up douch bag! You wouldn’t see the truth that’s right in front of your eyes if it sat on your face and took a dump. The evidence is there! it’s been uncovered by many doctors, scientists, highly educated individuals and loving concerned parents. The cdc and big pharma cannot cover up its murderous lies forever.

    A Educated Concerned Parent
    A Educated Concerned Parent
    8 years ago

    Oh, look! It’s a fear mongering, name calling, CDC sheep. Thanks to you, and the other sheep who blindly follow, diseases have made a comeback. If it wasn’t for the shedding of the virus in these vaccine, the ‘outbreaks’ they report about never would have occurred. All of the individuals who got it and spread it were vaccinated. Quit blaming unvaccinated people – they can’t give people a disease they don’t have! But, vaccinated people can because they carry and shed it after vaccination. It is you who is the monster!

    Simple grammar.
    Simple grammar.
    8 years ago

    An* educated concerned parent….not very educated I see.

    7 years ago

    If the MMR vaccine is the sole cause for Autism, I don’t see how everyone who gets that vaccine wouldn’t have it? There are to me obviously some other things in particular children that are maybe triggered when they receive the injection. I feel like maybe some type of DNA testing like they are doing now for other medications would be advisable before the vaccine. I have 6 siblings and we have 24 children and 7 grandchildren amongst us, all vaccinated with no issues from it. I just feel like there is a better answer then no vaccines. My opinion,… Read more »

    7 years ago

    You are completely unconscious! Go back to sleep. Don’t trust the government as they work for corrupt banking families and are paid off. They don’t care about your kids! They only want to make everyone sick so they get richer with all the drugs you are on. Wake up! Our govt is corrupt and evil. You are cattle to them. This is all coming out now. Before you make yourself look anymore stupid I would suggest you hold off for a few months before babbling about what the corrupt media tells you! Guess what? The media is owned by the… Read more »

    8 years ago

    concerned parent … what do you know about anything? or are you just an idiot troll? Accept the fact that not everyone wants mainstream medicine and especially mainstream medicine shoved down our throats. It is a waste of time debating the issues and facts with you because – well you are an idiot – you have not an ounce of common sense or rationality in your brain. You have been brainwashed and your are too lazy to do real homework. No one is saying you cannot get vaccines – get as many as you want. If you get them, you… Read more »

    April F.
    April F.
    8 years ago

    Hey Concerned Parent, If your child is vaccinated, then why are you worried? I bet you feel like the “ass” now that CDC scientists are coming forward admitting they covered up proof of the autism link. You also said the unvaccinated are bringing back preventable diseases……HA! Well don’t you feel like an idiot now that they are finding that the vaccinations themselves were making people contagious immediately after getting their shots…and VACCINATED people were getting it! If they’re getting it, then the vaccines do not work, do they? Wakefield wasn’t the fraud….the CDC was! They just ruined his life/career to… Read more »

    MJR in US
    MJR in US
    7 years ago
    Reply to  April F.

    Look toward the Amish, no reported Autism that I have found researching. They also do not do vaccines. Think about that.

    8 years ago

    If you have your kids vaccinated and you believe in it so much then it dosent matter what diseases are out there. Your kid is protected. Right?

    Jennifer Hoffman
    8 years ago

    As someone who has GBS, which should be called Vaccine Induced Neurological Entropy, I agree with your article and disagree with ‘a concerned parent’ who is probably not a parent at all. Vaccines are dangerous, they are given to children without regard to their overall state of health and too much pseudo science has been used to justify them, while real studies are either discouraged or any non-standardized results are hidden or destroyed. If I had young children today they would not be vaccinated, the vaccines are toxic, they are dangerous and I still do not understand how the CDC… Read more »

    8 years ago

    Not accurate… Here is one of many links explaining what ACTUALLY happened, including a statement from the doctor at the center of it:

    8 years ago

    What’s A Real Doctor? Western Allopathic Medicine is failed medicine. Natural Science was taken out medical schools to make DuPont and Rockefeller their next fortune in “synthetic chemical science and medicine” now known as “pharmaceutical drug medicine.” Medical Students do not study Biology 101, Health, Nutrition, Toxicology, Immunology, or the long term use of food supplements for health. Medical students do not study how vaccines are made, especially the Adjuvants. The Pharmaceutical companies share profits with MD’s. After 75 years…..Western Medicine cannot safely or effectively or gently reverse cancer or any life threatening or chronic disease. Western Medicine ranks 34th… Read more »

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago
    Reply to  SHW

    Bullshit. There is no such thing as “allopathic” or “natural” medicine. There is only science-based medicine. Anything that does not follow the Scientific Method is not science, and is therefore not medicine. Science-based medicine has given us everything from proper hygiene and sterilization of materials to the understanding of germs, to aspirin to open-heart surgery to transplants to LASIK and countless other advancements which have doubled our lifespans and improved the quality of life. Saying that science-based medicine has “failed” is just fucking stupid.

    Catherine Bleish
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    Allopathic medicine sure does exist! That is the type of medicine you study when you get an MD.

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago

    Yeah, in that sense the word “allopathic” means “The only kind of”

    Kathie Smith
    Kathie Smith
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    Luigi you are an incredible ignorant person – you obviously just believe everthing you hear on mainstream media and don’t ever bother to read up or research anything further. More people have been cured from diseases with natural medicines such as herbs and good diets, etc., exposure to sunshine, homeopathic medicines (which defy science, but work wonderfully well) and ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture etc. than have ever been CURED by allopathic medicine. I pity you if you don’t ever try a healthy alternative – your days are doomed!

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Kathie Smith

    **Kathie: “Luigi you are an incredible ignorant person…”** Okay. Let’s test that. Explain to me how the Scientific Method works, and the criteria that distinguish scientific ideas from non-scientific, or pseudoscientific ideas. Then explain how anti-vaxxer ideas pass the criteria for the former, and not the latter. If I’m in the ignorant one, and you’re the knowledgeable one, then you should be able to explain this easily. **Kathie: “…you obviously just believe everthing you hear on mainstream media That’s an assumption on your part. The truth is that I reject anti-vaxxer pseudoscience because I’ve actually studied the Scientific Method, and… Read more »

    Klaus K
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    Science un-based medicine: It has turned out that half of the scientific medical litterature is wrong – in fact it is pseudoscience. This is according to the leading editors of the scientific journals:

    7 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    The term “allopathy” was invented by German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). He conjoined allos “opposite” and pathos “suffering” as a referent to harsh medical practices of his era which included bleeding, purging, vomiting and the administration of highly toxic drugs like mercury. This term is referred to what is more commonly known as standard mainstream medicine although I believe any medical doctor would prefer not to be called that. Medicine and doctors have always been based on qualified guessing based on what “scientific evidence” is available at the time, the problem is that we know pharmaceutical companies have hijacked the… Read more »

    8 years ago

    Try working with some Autistic kids sometime. Try discovering the scope of the problem, just how many kids are like this now, and how rapidly it’s grown. It could have happened to you.
    By the fervor your post, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a hired troll. If not, you are afraid of the wrong thing, and should seek more information before judging.

    8 years ago

    The is behind the forced vaccine laws in Congress, State, and Heads of Congress. Why? According to their Sales Promotion PDF is to guarantee a trillion dollar industry to secure profits for medical associates sponsoring their vaccines. And, by focusing on middle income families, globally. Hopefully, Putin will not take advantage of this opportunity to Genocide of the American People. He has so far thrown out our vaccines and GMO and plans to make Russia the Organic Capitol of the world. However, other known enemies of the USA are being marketed by 85% of vaccines are made outside… Read more »

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago

    The debate is not “over”, as indicated by the fact that the conversation is ongoing, in venues like this one and elsewhere in the scientific community and the public. In science, no debate is ever “over”, since all of the knowledge in science, even the most rigorously confirmed facts, is still provisional, so when someone makes rhetorical remarks like “the debate is over”, it merely serves as a red flag that they don’t really understand how science and the Scientific Method works. The next clue is that the “proof” is not a news story in a reputable media source, or… Read more »

    8 years ago

    To be clear, any of you sitting on the fence regarding vaccine safety, the trolls here are paid shills from Pharma meant to influence you into their way of thinking.

    Luigi Novi
    Luigi Novi
    8 years ago

    (NOTE: The following post was previously submitted but not accepted, perhaps because of the copious links to supporting sources like CNN, The Guardian, The Times, The New England Journal of Medicine. They have been removed, but notes appear in the places where they were previously included, and can be provided on request, though a Google search can corroborate the material herein.) The debate is not “over”, as indicated by the fact that the conversation is ongoing, in venues like this one and elsewhere in the scientific community and the public. In science, no debate is ever “over”, since all of… Read more »

    Catherine Bleish
    8 years ago
    Reply to  Luigi Novi

    I have approved all comments on this thread!

    Catherine Bleish
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Tony Williams

    If I remember correctly, Brian Hooker was debunked years ago.

    7 years ago

    So I take it that those of you claiming conspiracy behind compulsory vaccination don’t believe vaccines work? Do you think that the huge drops in deaths from measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, pertusiss, polio, smallpox, hepatitis b, etc. are just lies fabricated for some nefarious purpose? Because if they do work, then a 1 in 88 chance of autism is, as a matter of public health policy, an acceptable cost of preventing literally millions of deaths from those infectious diseases. For all of human history our cities and socities have been periodically laid low by disease running rampant, so I’m… Read more »

    Catherine Bleish
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Al

    If they work or not, we have a right to say no.

    Actual Logic
    7 years ago

    Okay so lookie here. You claim to say that vaccines can cause autism but you don’t even state the science behind it, but just accuse the CDC of covering up information about a supposed connection of the vaccine and autism. Also, I highly doubt that you even understand how autism works. Or vaccines. There’s no proof that you are giving. And until you can give me proof, I’m shutting you out. And even if it does cause autism in a select few, I sound really awful but you need to still administer the vaccine. The life of one does not… Read more »

    Catherine Bleish
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Actual Logic

    Your rights end where mine begin. Keep your needles away from me and my family, please!


    […] The debate is over: The MMR vaccine can cause Autism, and the CDC is engaged in a criminal conspirac… By DrBuckley Well, we now have proof that the chief authors of the 2004 study, including executives within the CDC, which alleged no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, conspired to cook the data, in order to deny the link.  How do we know that?  One of the authors, Dr. William Thompson, of the Journal of Pediatrics 2004 research paper which alleged no link between MMR and autism has come forward and made a confession to Dr. Brian Hooker,… Read more »

    7 years ago

    Not only Autism, my sister has encephalitis now because of this vaccine…. and she has seizures periodically because of this.

    Catherine Bleish
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Mqcoelho

    My heart breaks for her!

    Jay El
    Jay El
    7 years ago

    You know someone’s trying to pull a con when they remove all hints of the age of the webpage, even in the comments. (In case this comment is visible in the future, today is Mar 16, 2017 and at this moment in the NCAA March Madness, North Carolina-Wilmington Seahawks are up 26 to 14 over Virginia Cavaliers) More signs of a premeditated con: Instead of linking to the ignored study, this article says that Guy 1 recorded Guy 2 and Guy 2 was involved in a paper with Guy 3, and Guy 1 says that Guy 2 says that Guy… Read more »

    Catherine Bleish
    7 years ago
    Reply to  Jay El

    So my site is a con because it doesn’t show the age of the site? I am confused. Dr. Buckley who wrote the article is a Dr. who has helped many people heal very extreme issues. He is my personal Dr. Definitely not a fraud.

    Define “disgraced”? I think you have not researched Wakefield in depth if you really think this.

    7 years ago

    anyone else here just to watch the world burn? Because that’s all i can do at this point. this thread is literally written proof of humanity going down the drain.

    5 years ago

    I agree Al…I have experienced living in remote First Nations Communities where the vaccination rates have fallen below 90% for herd immunity to protect people. The effect is obvious…sick kids…sometimes dead kids. History is history…measles is a deadly disease so are other diseases that we don’t experience on a personal level anymore. I believe in personal choice but please make it an educated one that isn’t based on a conspiracy theory related to big pharma or Autism. People should always have a choice but they need to understand the risks of those choices. Facebook, U-tube, and other social media sites… Read more »

    The Truth
    The Truth
    5 years ago

    Read all these left wing evil bastards! Your pathetic old people will die without vaccinations oh well die. And for all the ones who bully mothers who have injured children go to hell you’re a dirty disgrace your mother should’ve killed you at birth’ your mother was an arrogant bitch to bring you to life David! Heard immunity is a joke the CDC is a joke vaccinations are a joke with a short term effect and vaccines have never prevented diseases never never never never that’s a lie you arrogant ass people were told a lie and you’re so arrogant… Read more »