Home Environment Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine

Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine


Kill two birds with one stone and clean your underwear while you’re at it!  That dream could come a reality if student’s at China’s Dalian Nationalities University are successful in mass-producing their invention, a bicycle-powered washing machine that cleans your clothes while you work out.


The Bike Washing Machine, or BiWa, as the students refer to it, works by using the pedal power to spin a clothing drum that takes the place of the front wheel.  Excess energy is used to power the display screen that keeps track of your progress.


It remains to be see whether the Chinese students will be able to successfully bring this concept to market.  It is yet to be done and seems like it might be a hit.  Until then, at least you can ride your bike to the laundromat!  But where will you store your clothes?

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Karine Azevedo
Karine Azevedo
8 years ago

Actually, it’s note the first idea of its kind, a Toronto-based company created a human powered washing machine.
The Chinese students have just pushed the idea further, including a way to better exercise while you wash your clothes.


[…] found out but a twist on an old idea. Here is the link for those who might want to read about it Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine | The Homestead Guru . Not yet available here from what I understand but is available in […]


[…] found out but a twist on an old idea. Here is the link for those who might want to read about it Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine | The Homestead Guru . Not yet available here from what I understand but is available in […]

8 years ago

Curious as to where/how/what is done with the water?

8 years ago

Curious as to what/how/where the water comes/goes to wash the clothes? Interesting idea. 🙂

8 years ago

Great idea – I would buy it!


[…] Do laundry while you exercise with this bike-powered washing machine concept. […]


[…] Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]

8 years ago

Whera is the dishwasher?


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bicikl-perilica rublja motivira vas da uštedite na potrošnji električne energije i budete u formi. Ovu inovaciju osmislili su studenti iz Kine, a perilicu pokreće čovjek i potrošnja pri pranju rublja se minimalizira na nulu. […]


[…] of having children include losing out on time to exercise and the never-ending piles of laundry. A new invention from students at Dalian Nationalities University in China may not be able to explain how one tiny person can suddenly account for a fourfold increase in […]


[…] The Homestead Guru, Inhabitots, The Huffington Post, My Modern […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] [Tuvie / The Huffington Post / My Modern Met / inhabitots / The Homestead and Laughing […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] via thehomestead.guru […]

8 years ago

Pretty cool gadget …


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] the homestead guruFeatured […]

Lorilee technetium
Lorilee technetium
8 years ago

I need this too. Good job


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Wash Your Clothes While You Work Out with this Bicycle-Powered Washing Machine – Kill two birds with one stone and clean your underwear while you’re at it! That dream could come a reality if student’s at China’s Dalian Nationalities University are successful in mass-producing their invention, a bicycle-powered washing … […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water […]


[…] Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa, as the students have dubbed it) is a human-powered washing machine that encourages you to multitask and conserve water while […]

April Misner
April Misner
7 years ago

how can you get the bike/washer cause we are looking into going some what off grid?