Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Honey on Tap Returns – Controversial Bee Hive Seeks to Revolutionize Honey...

Honey on Tap Returns – Controversial Bee Hive Seeks to Revolutionize Honey Industry


It’s been 18 months since Flow™ Hive took the world by storm.

One of the most successful campaigns in crowdfunding history, the “Honey on Tap” harvesting system revolutionized the Langstroth hive, which had barely changed since 1852.

Co-inventors, father and son Stuart and Cedar Anderson, and a cohort of family and friends embarked on the Herculean task of fulfilling what soon ballooned to 35,000 orders in 143 countries.

The company’s explosive growth and the sheer scope of its undertaking represented a steep learning curve for the team, which faced myriad minor and major challenges of every conceivable type.

But by May, 2016, only a few months behind schedule, the Flow™ Hive team had done it, with virtually all backorders fulfilled.

Incredibly, 20,000 Indiegogo perks and some 15,000 more kits ordered during the months following, have been delivered.

There are Flow™ Hives on every continent and in almost every conceivable setting and the images, videos and stories from happy beekeepers all around the world reflect the quality of the product and the enthusiasm of the community which has sprung up around the invention.

There are Flow™ Hives in downtown LA, Manhattan, Sydney and London. There are Flow™ Hives on apartment building rooftops, suburban backyards and farms in all kinds of climates.

Thanks in part to the online educational resources Flow™ Hive has provided, along with fantastic customer support, Flow™ Hive “newbees” have been able to hit the ground running with their new hobby.

Every day, stories, pictures and videos pour in from happy Flow™ Hive beekeepers thrilled at how gentle and efficient the honey harvesting process has become.

“We’ve had first-time beekeepers have all six frames in their Flow™ Hive Classic fill in just a few weeks,” co-inventor Cedar Anderson says.

“It’s been so good to see so many people loving their bees, getting really strong colonies happening and successfully harvesting fresh honey from their Flow™ Hives.”

“There was some skepticism early on,” says Stuart Anderson, fellow co-inventor and Cedar’s father.

“But I’m tickled and we’re all extremely pleased the feedback we’ve received from our community of beekeepers during Flow™ Hive’s first season in the wild. We couldn’t have asked for better,” he says.

It was on San Francisco-based platform Indiegogo that Flow™ Hive found its place in the crowdfunding history, when nearly $12.4 million worth of pre-orders were made early last year.

Having now come through to the other end of such a challenging journey, it seemed fitting to return to where it all began to mark this important milestone.

“We’re stoked to be working again with the Indiegogo community that supported our idea for a gentle, easy way to harvest honey,” Cedar says.

“Crowdfunding brought our dream to life,” Cedar says. “A lot of our supporters had to wait months to get their hives so we’re thrilled that we’ve sorted out our manufacturing and logistics and can offer the community that made this all happen fast dispatch at the original crowdfunding price.”

The return to Indiegogo is set to be a great opportunity for people anyone who’s been waiting for just the right time to buy a Flow™ Hive.

From 8 August to 22 August, Flow™ Hive Classics will be available at the original crowdfunding price at a substantial discount off current prices – but with a couple of important differences.

This time round, Flow™ Hives are ready for fast dispatch – customers will not have to wait. Flow™ Hive Classics are ready to roll out of warehouses in Amsterdam, Chicago, Portland, Ore., and Sydney.

Plus, new supporters are getting a tried and tested product. They can purchase secure in the knowledge that Flow™ Hive really does work.

Buy yours today by clicking this link.
Wednesday August 17th the Homesteading / Survivalism facebook page will be hosting a live Ask a Guru Q&A with the honey on tap team at 6pm Central.

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Chris Robock
8 years ago

I desperately want to buy a couple of these Flow Hives. Beekeeping is such an important job, and we need to spread awareness of bees and their plight. Thanks for posting this, and letting me know they’re doing another round on IGG.