Green Body Cleanse - The first step in my healing journey was to read the book Green Body Cleanse. Dr. Group discusses the natural biorhythms of your body and when its best to be eating or not eating....
Check out this awesome Skoolie (Converted School Bus) in the works!
Catherine joins John and Wanda in their amazing sustainable home. Solar heated water, green house heated home, solar electric, and full home composting system!
Coschedule is AMAZING! Coschedule has benefited our website in huge dynamic ways. It has simplified our social media posting routine, increased our revenue, increased our traffic and alexa ranking, and simply made my job MUCH EASIER! Social Media Scheduling Coschedule has allowed me...
This video tour is published to the Open Index, a blockchain specification for a worldwide database for decentralized publishing, distribution and payments. was given early access to demo this use case of the tech. As an analogy --...
Catherine stops to check out a roadside garden in Indiana. Start where you are with what you have! Food can grow anywhere there is dirt and sunshine!!!!! Anyone can garden!!!!!
Join Catherine and the kids as the go pickin' at the farm!