Meet Riley: Nearly 4 Years Old Homesteading Superstar Homesteading With Children Spotlight Every so often we notice a post in a Homesteading group that catches our eye. Recently we came across a post that highlighted the idea of homesteading with children....
Keeping the Kids Entertained No matter how scary and chaotic this Coronavirus outbreak is, it has allowed us to spend more time with our families. If you are a busy bee during the week and you’ve barely had time to...
This article is part 1 of a longer series, called Does Unschooling Have Natural Limits? Please subscribe to get future installments. Awareness of others' needs and wants doesn't come naturally to everyone--and it's something that many young people fail to...
This article is part 2 of a longer series, called Does Unschooling Have Natural Limits? Please subscribe to get future installments. I came to unschooling as a young mother, looking for alternatives to the carrot-and-stick (or recreate-the-schoolroom) approaches I saw with typical homeschooling methods. However,...
Sometimes, when we’re out with our nature club, people stop us ask why we do nature study. Honestly, there are so many reasons that we don’t have time to spout them all off in passing. As fans of the...
Circumcision in Denmark and Europe When you give birth to baby boys in the United States, as a new mom, you face the dilemma of whether or not to circumcise. If you ask most doctors in the US, it’s medically...