Home Home Remedies Essential Oils DEET-Free Natural Remedy Against Ticks That Carry Lyme Disease

DEET-Free Natural Remedy Against Ticks That Carry Lyme Disease


I recently returned to the New England area, and people here are crazy about avoiding Lyme disease!

Some go as far as never going into the woods, or making their children wear shoes AT ALL TIMES.

Well…that’s not going to work for this barefoot Momma.  How will my youngin’ and I ground ourselves if our feet never touch the earth?

If we choose not to wear shoes, does that mean that DEET is our only defense against the ticks that spread Lyme disease?

This past Tuesday, we spent the day at an unschooling “wilderness play date” where kids were able to run free on 10 acres.

They built forts, chiseled fallen-down branches, and built a fire with a metal fire starter.  That’s a step up from rubbing two sticks together and waiting for a flame!  (There was supervision, OF COURSE!)

As the kids played, the moms swatted mosquitoes and chatted about everything from unschooling to work-from-home options.

I brought up my newfound fear of the infamous Lyme-disease carrying ticks in New England.

My friend–the owner of the property–brought out her homemade tick repellent that she had made that morning with a few simple ingredients in her home.

Get Bug Protector DEET FREE here on Amazon!

If you want to continue being a barefoot family and exploring the New England woods, try out this DEET-free Tick Remedy below:

Lyme Blastah Buttah (with Boston accent!)

  • 250 grams of any homemade lotion or skin oil that you like (coconut oil, cocoa butter, etc)
  • 30 drops Geranium Essential Oil
  • 5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil (or Sweetgrass oil)
  • 20 drops Citronella Essential Oil

If you would like added sunblock, you can add and 20 grams of Zinc Oxide or 5% to 20% by weight SPF strength you want.

Now go enjoy the woods, free spirits!

(Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. Please use this recipe with your own judgment and application of common sense.)

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3 years ago

Lyme hates Stevia so mix in some of it to whatever concoction you use.
The is website is free and a natural medicine backed by science site http://www.greenmedinfo.com & earthclinic.com 2 of the best for any natural treatment’s.