Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Falling Fruit, A Global Map to Help You Get Your Wild Forage...

Falling Fruit, A Global Map to Help You Get Your Wild Forage On


Falling Fruit has been such an amazing resource for our family! I love watching my children explore nature, especially when they have gained the skill set and knowledge to actually CONSUME pieces of the world around us with confidence and true life-learned expertise. Watching my children point out plants to avoid and excitedly shovel fresh produce in their mouths, pockets, or bags, reassures me that I am providing them with practical life skills and knowledge.

For myself, I love going on a hike, passing a bush of Beauty Berries or Dew Berries and having the personal confidence to eat the plant without fear (I am NOT in the place with mushrooms!). And now that I have started my wild forage / wild harvest journey, the kids and I have started collecting medicinal herbs in addition to edible foods! This is so empowering!

One of the greatest tools in my unschooling / lifeschooling / wild foraging journey is the Falling Fruit website and phone app.  This database is user-driven and documents edible and medicinal plants that are growing wild, or cultivated, all across the globe! It even lists dumpster diving locations for those of you in the movement to keep all foods from going to waste (especially those packaged and shipped across the globe).

falling fruit

My little unschoolers and I have used this Falling Fruit website to find locations for apples, nuts, berries, and more. Sometimes this app teaches me about new plants that I didn’t know grew in my area, or plants I didn’t know were edible.

If you are trying to learn more about the world of plant magic, check out FallingFuit.org – I paid $4 for the phone app and am so grateful I did!

Check out this video of us harvesting blueberries after to trip to visit Moorheads Blueberry Farm, a location we found on the app as well!

Visit their site here: http://www.moorheadsblueberryfarm.com/
More from the Homestead Guru: 

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