Home Do it Yourself (DIY) Easy Organic Homemade Bread Recipe

Easy Organic Homemade Bread Recipe


organic bread you can make at home

Making Your Own Organic Bread Is So Easy!!!!!

MAKE YOUR OWN Organic Bread. Only 6 ingredients and a few minutes of your time. The rest is rising and baking, NO KNEADING! 4 cups of flour to 2 cups of water…….

2 cups Warm Water (Not Tap) in Large mixing bowl.

Add 1.5 tablespoons Yeast.

Add 2 tablespoons Non Gmo Sugar.

Add 1 teaspoon Salt.

Add some Honey for flavor.

Sit for 5 minutes

Add 4 cups Non Gmo/Organic Flour.

Stir, let rise for 1 hour.

Pour into 2 oiled loaf pans I use Coconut Oil.

Let rise for another hour.

Bake at 350-400 for 20-25 minutes.

More from the Homestead Guru (to put on your bread!): Dandelion Jelly Recipe

I make organic bread for our family every week. I appreciate the simplicity of ingredients and the ability to know whats in it. I plan to try this recipe with other flours, like spelt. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments below. I’d love to know your favorite alternatives.

I use this recipe for our sandwich bread, french toast, garlic bread, and for croutons.

I find it so simple making my own organic bread, I won’t go back to buying it wrapped in plastic from a grocery story. Which reminds me, we should attempt to buy our flour from source that does not require a plastic bag, or if you are getting it from the bulk section, maybe it is possible to bring your own reusable bags for bulk products. I don’t see many people using these, but I imagine it’s coming for our future. At the very least we can bring back recycled paper bags for our produce.

I am looking forward to seeing a earth filled with conscious people, purchasing products from markets that care about the environment. Along with more free markets, that allow for baking without permission or licensing. I think we will see the local communities and mutual aid societies blooming over the next few years, as these will offer better solutions for a sustainable society.


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[…] More from the Homestead Guru: Easy Organic Homemade Bread Recipe(Opens in a new browser tab) […]

5 years ago

Do you use all-purpose or bread flour for this?

Catherine Bleish
5 years ago
Reply to  Brandon

Great question. I would probably use bread flour …