Home Recipes 3 Delicious Blender Recipes – Hemp Milk, Smoothie, Bulletproof Coffee

3 Delicious Blender Recipes – Hemp Milk, Smoothie, Bulletproof Coffee


Smoothies have become a stable part of my daily diet and morning routine. Since moving into an apartment (this was written in 2014, before the converted school bus) we have no longer had access to our former roommate’s blender. Just days after telling That Guy how badly I wanted one, his mom gifted us an awesome vintage blender.

So far we have made hemp milk, almond butter / banana smootihe, and rocket fuel coffee.

Here are the recipes…


Homemade hemp milk

Half cup raw shelled hemp seeds (we buy in bulk on Amazon)

3 cups of filtered water

1 tbs of raw honey

Blend until smooth? Strain in cheese cloth if desired. I leave particles if making a smoothie, strain if it is going in a sippy cup or bottle!

Banana Almond Butter Smoothie


1 cup almond butter

1 large banana

2 cups homemade hemp milk

1 tbs raw honey

2 handfuls of ice blend until smooth and creamy! Enjoy!

*warning, lots of almond butters were just recalled, Including the one in the attached photo! Read more here: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm410533.htm

Bulletproof Coffee (also known as rocket fuel)

2 cups organic coffee (hot)

Quarter cup organic coconut oil

Quarter cup Gee (clarified butter)

Blend until creamy. YUM!

More from the Homestead Guru:

Author update (2019): Now that we have spent years drinking/eating smoothies – I have found that I like to add maca root powder and cacao to my smoothies to give me a boost,and load my system with electrolytes and high vibes.

smoothie cacaoCacao

Cacao is high in calcium – more than cow milk! It is good for your bones and your body as a whole. It is loaded with iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. If you are a woman you know that we sometimes crave chocolate during our moon cycle – the high iron content might have something to do with that!!!!!!

Cocao is a heart opener and has been known to help reduce stress/anxiety and improve your mood. It has been used in ceremony by indegenous communities for generation because of the powerful impact it has on your body. It does contain some canine, so be aware of that!

Cacao is best consumed unsweetened due to sugar’s inflamatory impact on the body. It does have a bitter taste so you may want to slowly increase your cacao levels in your smoothies.


Maca Root is an Andean plant that is known to help balance you hormonaly. It is an adaptagen and will give you more of what you need and less of what you don’t need. It is great for increasing your mood.

More from the Homestead Guru: Maca Root Powder: The Sexy Peruvian Adaptogen Super Food(Opens in a new browser tab)

It has been shown in studies to help prevent sun damage to your skin cells, which makes cocoa and maca a great combination for summer months or hot regions of the world (cacao will restore your electrolytes lost due to sweat).

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