“I was looking for a place where I would have a sense of family and belonging, and where I could be more ecologically sustainable,” says Tanuki, age 34. Becky, 23, was seeking somewhere more natural, that would allow her to...
Solar passive houses are the name of ease – a brief discussion   Passive solar houses have made it possible to live with minimal temperature variations. Without investing any money in heating or cooling, you can save dramatically on these bills....
Last month the Department of Health in Ohio dropped 800,000 rabies vaccine packs in the Northeast border of the state in an attempt to form an “immune barrier”. This has been happening in Ohio for as long as I...
Now of course, the 2nd Amendment itself is probably the truest and most audaciously American thing ever written; and I love it. But if you hear any court or federal official talking about how you have a 2nd Amendment...
Young social entrepreneur, Salima Visram, grew up in Kenya where there is no at-home electricity for most school age children. “My vision for Soular is to make a holistic system of interventions and services that give people the tool to...
RAW is a company known for their papers, rolled and smoked by many but what we did not know is that RAW has a completely self funded side charity! The RAW foundation is providing thousands of people with clean, safe...
Recently I wrote about the wildfires in Brazil and how they could have been prevented by perma-culture techniques. I mentioned about the loss of animal life and habitat and now we are seeing examples of the damage, as well...
In.gredients is a plastic-free based grocery store up in Austin, TX. This zero waste market is making waves in hopes for a more sustainable tomorrow. This grocery store allows the use of mason jars and other reusable Tupperware to...
The average price of a house in the United States is $200,000. That alone is a very good reason why many people are looking to downsize. But what does it really cost to join the tiny house movement? Let’s take...
RoundUp's already-questionable reputation suffered another blow recently. A federal court conducting cancer investigations ordered some of Monsanto's confidential documents to be unsealed--and what they found wasn't comforting. The records contained email communications between Monsanto executives that suggest the company had ghostwritten...
It has become abnormal to be seen barefoot in public. I have heard the same comments over and over when going barefoot in the store, walking down the road, or even in my own neighborhood: Where are your shoes?...
Every good gardener who's been at it awhile, knows that success starts in your garden's soil. What's the difference between soil and dirt? Dirt and soil seem like interchangeable terms, but really they're not. Soil has living matter in it--microbes, earthworms, nematodes,...