This is Ted with Raven Rock Eco Village. He shows us how the chicken tractor is set up and describes how they have the chickens rotate between pastures, right behind the cattle. Joel Scalaton Method. Get the book here on...
What have I done? I made the decision to move out in the sticks of Texas hill country in July of 2016. Ever since I made this choice, I have asked myself that question only once, and it was when...
June of 2018 I visited Raven Rock Eco Village for nearly a week. It was one of the most transformational experiences of my life, please enjoy this interview I conducted with two of the founding members, Ted and Don. These...
Catherine and her friend Juliet talk about flower essences at Barton Springs in Austin, Texas. Turks Cap is a native Texas flower, named ofter is appearance. This flower is good for releasing ancestral trauma that goes back generations in your...
Catherine and her children were on a walk in Austin Texas and passed the Children's Garden at Casa de Luz. They were informed that the school that was on site had shut down and the Children's Garden was being...
Beaver Boxes Tiny Homes. Container Homes. Backyard Modulars. Tell them The Homestead Guru sent you for $500 off! Embrace The Beaver! Our construction company has been founded 10 years ago, at the very peak of the building frenzy in the US… Since then we’ve...
The average price of a house in the United States is $200,000. That alone is a very good reason why many people are looking to downsize. But what does it really cost to join the tiny house movement? Let’s take...
This article is Part 6 in a series called Does Unschooling Have Natural Limits? Please also find Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 4, and Part 5… Is mutual respect truly possible between children and parents? I know what you're thinking at this point. "But they're kids. Is...
Are you frustrated with the medical system? Do you believe it is too expensive and often does more harm than good? Would you like to start taking your health into your own hands, like your grandparents and all your other ancestors...
About a month ago, my son and I spent 10 days pet-sitting on a homestead in CT.  We had an amazing time and gained so much homesteading experience, as well as how to care for livestock.  Our usual gigs...
My focus in life is making things as simple as possible so that I can focus on the things that matter, being present for my child, creating, and going on fun adventures!  If there is a way to simplify...
Our minds might be focused on ice cream cones, drive-in movies, and lazy beach days, but the reality is, flu season is approaching.  Flu season begins around October and ends as late as May, sometimes! That’s only 2 months...