Home Parenting Alarming New Study: Unvaccinated Kids are Healthier

Alarming New Study: Unvaccinated Kids are Healthier


vaccinesA groundbreaking new study covering the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated American children has delivered some shocking results.

**UPDATE** It seems that the original link to the study in question was not working – because it was DISABLED after we posted this article! Thanks to the efforts of our staff and some zealous commenters, we found and SAVED the original study for your perusal, here. We care about TRUTH here at the Homestead Guru, so thank you for helping us uncover it!

Read the full text of the hard-to-find study!
Read the full text of the hard-to-find original study!

It seems that unvaccinated children are measurably healthier that vaccinated kids on nine different measures of health.

Whether we’re talking about nasal allergies, learning disabilities, or pneumonia, the unvaccinated kids have lower rates of illness.

This study’s findings are especially important when we consider that America’s children are sicker than ever before, and nobody really knows why.

43% of American kids now suffer from some sort of chronic illness, NOT including obesity.

In any given month, one out of every FOUR children in America is taking prescription drugs for some ailment. This spells profit for big Pharma, but why is this happening to our kids?


I don’t know about you, but these figures are disturbing to me. Diagnoses used to be reserved for the aging and dying, but now, more and more children, and even babies, are getting diagnosed and prescribed, with all sorts of things.

The study’s findings really make you wonder. Here’s some of the specifics:

  • Vaccinated children were more than three times as likely to be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum (OR 4.3)
  • Vaccinated children were 30-fold more likely to be diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than non-vaccinated children
  • Vaccinated children were 22-fold more likely to require an allergy medication than unvaccinated children
  • Vaccinated children had more than quadruple the risk of being diagnosed with a learning disability than unvaccinated children (OR 5.2)
  • Vaccinated children were 300 percent more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than unvaccinated children (OR 4.3)
  • Vaccinated children were 340 percent (OR 4.4) more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children
  • Vaccinated children were 300 percent more likely to be diagnosed with an ear infection than unvaccinated children (OR 4.0)
  • Vaccinated children were 700 percent more likely to have surgery to insert ear drainage tubes than unvaccinated children (OR 8.01)
  • Vaccinated children were 2.5-fold more likely to be diagnosed with any chronic illness than unvaccinated children

That’s quite a list..


This study took a sample size of 666 home schooled six to 12-year-olds from four states, and compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children.

Sure, the sample size isn’t huge–but it’s worth noting that over 95% of kids in America today are vaccinated.

The kids’ overall health was assessed based on their mothers’ reports of vaccinations and physician-diagnosed illnesses.

The vaccinated children were less likely to have some infections they were vaccinated against. However, no evidence was found that vaccinated children were more protected against any so-called “vaccine-preventable diseases”. Children in both groups had roughly the same rates of infection from measles, mumps, Hepatitis A and B, influenza, rotavirus, and meningitis (both viral and bacterial).

Of course, a precursor to this study is the 2016 documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.

This fascinating and controversial movie was created by Andrew Wakefield, a gastroenterologist who was among the first professionals to suggest a link between the MMR vaccine and autism in the late 1990s.

81dYror3f9L._SY445_ Get the film here on Amazon!

While vaccine ingredients such as mercury and aluminum are known to cause brain damage, what’s not commonly known is how these heavy metals can build up over time in the body’s systems.

The FDA agrees that mercury is a neurotoxin (even implicating the mercury in fish and dental fillings), but they refuse to consider non-oral exposure when calculating risk, even in the face of findings to the contrary!

Okay, so the ingredients in vaccines can potentially alter brain chemistry and function. This correlates with the brain-gut connection that scientists are only just starting to uncover. It also explains why the microbiome is so important, from birth onward.

Since vaccines were invented, they’ve been championed as modern medical marvels.

Never mind that good hygiene and other factors contributed to an overall decline in infectious diseases that may have simply paralleled the upswing in vaccine use over time.

An unpleasant truth that the medical community has always been aware of, is that some casualties would suffer damage and/or death from adverse vaccine reactions each year. They even have an organization, VAERS, to report these adverse events (some 30,000 are reported each year).

My daughter experienced one of these “adverse events”. She had an acute reaction to the five different vaccines she was administered at her 2-month “well baby checkup”.

She quit sleeping through the night, quit making eye contact with us, and seemed to develop instant colic that never stopped. It was only after multiple visits with pediatricians and specialists that I finally saw an immunologist, who confirmed her adverse reaction and reported it.

After almost a year, and countless hours of researching how to detox from heavy metals, my child thankfully recovered from the vaccine damage she suffered, and our waking nightmare ended.

She is now a healthy teenager who hasn’t had another vaccine since. Even the immunologist we saw agreed it would be crazy to give her another vaccine, ever.

He said it would be like playing Russian roulette, actually.

Want an altervative perspective on kids' health from a renowned pediatrician? Get this book!
Want info on kids’ health from a renowned pediatrician? Get this book!

What if vaccines aren’t really as safe as we’ve been told?

The bottom line is, this newest study has alarming correlations and it’s similar to what many whistle-blowers have been warning about for almost two decades: Maybe vaccines affect the body in ways we can’t fully predict.

The human immune system is something we’re still exploring, and are only just starting to understand.

Supporting the immune system with healthy and natural foods is a very different thing than treating it like an inert machine, with predictable outcomes and inputs.

Vaccines cannot act on the immune system without also impacting the body as a whole–and maybe it’s time to admit that modern medical science is not yet advanced enough to understand the implications of that.

Whether you are for vaccines or against them, we all must understand that there is risk involved either way. 

There is no magic bullet that is guaranteed to protect us from microscopic doom, and that’s scary to accept – but it’s true.  Personally, I prefer that the burden of evaluating those risks and benefits remain in the hands of the individual, instead of allowing that decision to be turned over to the authorities.

Still wondering about this study’s findings? Watch a video describing them in depth here:


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7 years ago

What’s the name of “the study”?
Who did the study?
I’d like to read the actual study.

7 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa

that means he/she need American stamp or seal to certify the point…..
That’s typical psychology now a days.

7 years ago
Ryan C North
Ryan C North
7 years ago

You do know this study was retracted, right? And was found to be not accurate.. Just saying, you may want to do your homework before posting this.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ryan C North

Really? Where’s your proof???

7 years ago
Reply to  Ryan C North

Thank you for sharing the link.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ryan C North

not retracted- just ignored and attacked, like everything else that threatens big pharma.. still published, still valid, still corroborated by doctors and scientists worldwide.. http://archive.is/PwUrN “I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30 years. “I’ve had a team compiling data for a research study that is now undergoing peer review—some of which is published in my new book, ’The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.’ The… Read more »

7 years ago

Bullshit. Please provide link to the study..

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  adar

In the word “study” above the video going over the study.

7 years ago

The study was proved false and retracted, none of the information/statistics are true or relevant.

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Angela

False and retracted or not published in a journal.. or..?

Tom K
Tom K
7 years ago

This article like so many before it have a lot of catch phrases to get the reader’s attention. It references a bunch of statistics, but cleverly fails to cite a link or reference the actual study. Saying study doesn’t actually mean there was a study. Where’s the link? The name of the study? How can access the study and read it? This looks like another whole lot of nothing with the specific intention to mislead the reader.

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Tom K

In the word “study” above the video going over the study.

7 years ago

Correlation doesn’t mean causation either. The mercury in vaccines is not the mercury that she refers to. Signs of autism show around the same age that most children start their vaccines. The age is the same for unvaccinated children too. Before jumping on a bandwagon people need to do in depth research on topics and get many RELIABLE resources.

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

I think this is invalidating the very real vaccine injuries that have taken place. I had an AWFUL reaction to vaccines and my mom was told it was normal and that some kids, too. So why is it now denied as something that doesn’t happen?

7 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

Autism does NOT start to show at 2 months old, which is when vaccination is started; it manifests much later, between 12 & 18 months, sometimes into the 2nd year of life, either way, much later than the beginning of vaccinations.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brittany

Where’s your resourse that unvaccinated childfen develope autism at the same age and rate as vaccinated children? That’s so not true.

9th grade biology
9th grade biology
7 years ago

This is fake news.

John Klar
John Klar
7 years ago

How so? Calling it fake doesn’t make it so. Numerous studies show farm children and Amish families to be healthier. Fake also?

glen smith
glen smith
4 years ago
Reply to  John Klar

Agreed it doesn’t mean fake news. But why do you think farm children and Armish are REALLY healthier? Prob more to do with healthy lifestyle and less McDonalds 😉

7 years ago

Citation for the study?

7 years ago

Could you please give us a link/reference to this study?

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Julie

In the word “study” above the video.

7 years ago

Jesus, this ‘study’ is ridiculous (based on mother’s reports- how is that a solid foundation at all??) AND it was retracted, meaning any information in the article was proved false/unreliable. Including those statistics. I’m a psychology student, literally all I do is review journal articles, so yes I actually do know what I’m talking about. Do some REAL research that doesn’t involve the word ‘Google’.

7 years ago
Reply to  Angela

I agree, you can’t actually rely on mothers or anyone to fill out a report accurately. I go through 10 to 20 medical histories with patients each day, and most of them have some missing information such as an allergy, the names of their medications or they don’t even know what they had surgery for just a month ago, and often they try to laugh it off because they have no clue of what anything means or its relevance. Just tired of all of these anti-everything people who think they know more than health professionals from their 5minutes of reading… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Kim


glen smith
glen smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Also the non vaccinated were recruited from the age of autism newsletter and were half as likely to go to a doctor where the only reports of health issues were allowed to be validated from

Paulie G
Paulie G
7 years ago

So, you’re happy to put the health and well-being of millions of kids at risk for the sale of a non-cited, unreliable piece of so-called research? Hmmmm, not sure that’s cool!

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Paulie G

What an interesting lens you choose to look through.

Meg Guzda
Meg Guzda
7 years ago

It sure is an interesting lens. It sure is not colored pink. Do your research. This “so-called study” was published under different titles not once, but twice. Both times it was retracted. It’s based on mothers’ report (so reliable…not). Put your thinking cap on and stop spreading dangerous “pseudoscientific” hysteria.

glen smith
glen smith
4 years ago

It is an interesting study. Invalid for reasons but that doesn’t mean the data is entirely useless. Rather it needs to be followed up and run as a research that takes out as many variables as possible

7 years ago
Reply to  Paulie G

precisely Paulie…idiotic.

7 years ago

I read over the study and it doesn’t it is based on the parent’s answers to surveys. Who knows how accurate and it’s not a very in depth study. Correlation doesn’t mean causation either. The mercury in vaccines is not the mercury that she refers to. Signs of autism show around the same age that most children start their vaccines. The age is the same for unvaccinated children too. Before jumping on a bandwagon people need to do in depth research on topics and get many RELIABLE resources.

7 years ago

I’m soo sick of all these BS shock value articles with No legit facts to back them up. If you choose not to vaccinate your child so be it, however stop trying to persuade others to do the same.

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Stephanie

So many people try to persuade people TO vaccinate, why should others not speak their own truth when they see a potential danger?

7 years ago

THANK YOU!! Finally the pro vaxxed baby killers can see what they are doing to our children. The USA has the highest rates of vaccines, it also has the highest rate of SIDS. It’s time to wakeup

7 years ago
Reply to  God

You might want to rely on an actual scientific study, rather than a piece of redacted nonsense.

Pablo Echewverria
Pablo Echewverria
7 years ago

Please! you should check your sources before publishing anything related to this issue. I tried to find the scientific publication that backed these series of reports on internet blogs. it’s a quite difficult task…because the paper doesn’t exist. it’s quite easy to know, it’s stated that the research it’s just been published in the Journal of Translational Science, on april 24th, Volume 3(3): 1-12 with the doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000186. if you go to the journal (or try to find the doi address), nothing is there. check it here (http://www.oatext.com/Journal-of-Translational-Science-JTS.php#Early_View). If you go the website of the supposedly main researcher of the… Read more »

7 years ago

A lot of comments state that this study was retracted because it was crowd sourced from “bogus” online surveys and was not an actual research study. This is true. This is from retraction watch on the history of this study: http://retractionwatch.com/2016/11/28/study-linking-vaccines-autism-pulled-frontiers-following-heavy-criticism/ Also note that the study is from Frontiers; they are an open access scientific journal and no stranger to “controversial retractions and publishing decisions” Here is a link to their wikipedia page for their history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontiers_Media This article is click bait with no real backup. It’s just another P-hacked study looking for clickers. Just hope this post saves lives… Read more »

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Ray

If its clickbait, why do we authors not vaccinate our kids? We live by this and feel strongly about it.

7 years ago

You feel strongly about bogus studies? I can feel strongly at the earth is flat…but that doesn’t make it so.

7 years ago

I grew up when no one was vaccinated, or very few. Children were healthier, none of us were medicated to control our behaviour, these so called conditions didn’t exist. Anybody thinking that injecting heavy metals into your body no matter how minute the dosage is in any way good for you is deluded. Give your kids love and ATTENTION let them get sick to build up strong immune systems, feed them good healthy fresh food and they will thrive. STOP poisoning your kids.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I agree with You Rich
I too was raised before Vaccinations were prevalent. How many people our age have autism, ADD or a hundred other things the kids are suffering with?
No one develops a healthy immune system anymore. haven’t had a cold or flu since middle school
I haven’t taken antibiotics since grade school. That’s 50 years of no drugs
I wont even vaccinate my dogs

Mike Robbins
Mike Robbins
6 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Exactly rich! I agree 100% And are you others out there that I agree and no these vaccines are getting out of control if you are Bored, want something useful to do? Imagine how many parents would be woken up to there legal right’s if all of a sudden on sidewalks and telephone poles and busy street corners etc.. Right as it is is time for enrollment signs appeared saying things like.. Vaccines?! Get EXEMPTIONS! Safe, Legal, free. No shot No School Is a LIE !! Find out when Enrollment is at schools in your area and do what’s Right!… Read more »

7 years ago

Anti-Vaxxers: for every child that dies of a disease for which there is a vaccine: three of you should get the chair. Clearly, you want children to die, there is something wrong in your head, something not firing correctly. You must really hate children.

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  3DR

And what should happen to every person who harms a child with a vaccine? How is this even a solution or constructive conversation?

7 years ago

So it is better for millions of people to die from preventable diseases than to chance your child being harmed (very small risk) by an adverse reaction or possibly ending up with autism or a learning disability or even *gasp* allergies. Do some research on the history of humans prior to vaccinations. Let’s go back to the time when families would have 10 children and be lucky if half of them survived childhood. Oh and they ate organic diets, lol. None of this processed shit. Maybe if any of this study has any truth to it, it’s more likely that… Read more »

Catherine Bleish
7 years ago
Reply to  Maurisue

Do you really think millions would die?

7 years ago

I’m quite astonished by so many of you that don’t see the big picture. I now see whats wrong with America, I’m lucky to have learned this at a young age. Many of you trust vaccines (chemicals) to be put inside our babies? Do you even have common sense at all? You are the same ones screaming about how horrible out government is but yet you choose to vaccinate your children? That’s only benefiting the government and funding Pharma companies. They do not care about your children, that’s why you should be a parent and care for them yourself and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Honestly, the uneducated garbage your spewing is not based on fact but on your opinion, which you’re entitled to but realize it is just that, an opinion. First, you have to learn to read. Second, base your opinion off of peer reviewed randomized controlled trials, as science intended. Third- do not place your children in avoidable danger because of your lack of education or simple misunderstanding of science. There will always be people like you who feel it is unnecessary to do research and instead get your information from blogs written by people just as uneducated as you. Don’t make… Read more »

jason bradley fay
jason bradley fay
7 years ago
Reply to  NL

Read what you commented as tho someone wrote this to you it’s what should be said to parents who do vaccinate their kids

7 years ago
Reply to  NL

Three kids. Never vaccinated, Never sick. Current ages 32, 21 and 18. Explain that government mule.

Jack Meoff
Jack Meoff
7 years ago
Reply to  Tanya

Um, could it possibly be because EVERYONE ELSE vaccinated their kids? No, that makes too much sense. Just because they haven’t contracted any deadly, preventable diseases YET doesn’t mean they never will. What’s going to happen if they’re in a restaurant in a tourist located and the person next to them has the mumps or measles and they SNEEZE or COUGH. Do you think the fact that they haven’t caught it yet is going to stop them from catching it then? You’re a paranoid idiot who obviously has nothing real to worry about so you go looking for things. How… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  NL

NL: randomized, controlled, trials of vaccinated/partially vaccinated people vs unvaccinated people. ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE CONDUCTED. The excuse is that they are “unethical”. So surveys are the best information available, or likely to become available

7 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Well said, Amanda. The findings here don’t alarm me because I figured this out some time ago. I’m not happy about it of course.
The legions of those who in your words, can’t see the big picture here–now that’s alarming.

7 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Yeah! Remember the good ole days where entire families and towns died of the measles? Good times, good times. And don’t forget that pesky Jonas Salk who discovered an immunization for polio…selfish bastard.

6 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

It’s not a faceless govt machine giving you vaccines. It’s the entire medical community that actually studied for many years to become doctors and scientists. Most did so because they wanted to help people. Do you think they have all been brain washed by some corporate conspiratorial govt machine?! These articles are criminal. Just plain evil. Not vaccinating your children is irresponsible. Period.
Arguing with vaxxers is like arguing with round-earthers.

7 years ago

Honestly, the uneducated garbage your spewing is not based on fact but on your opinion, which you’re entitled to but realize it is just that, an opinion. First, you have to learn to read. Second, base your opinion off of peer reviewed randomized controlled trials, as science intended. Third- do not place your children in avoidable danger because of your lack of education or simple misunderstanding of science. There will always be people like you who feel it is unnecessary to do research and instead get your information from blogs written by people just as uneducated as you. Don’t make… Read more »

7 years ago

Every one of those points are based on children getting more medical care, not being more sick. Of course un-vaccinated children will be diagnosed and treated less, their parents want them to die and don’t take them to the doctor as often.

7 years ago
Reply to  ted

does dumb run in your family?

7 years ago

I don’t know if this article has been retracted or not, I believe it to be true. My job has be out of the country more than in and you can research for yourself but in Europe they don’t do all these vaccinations and there children don’t have all these issues like autism which I believe is caused by abundance of vaccines our U.S. children get. They increase the amount of vaccines and the number of autism increases after those vaccines by leaps and bounds. There are behavioral issues i believe are also contributed to by vaccines. I’m in my… Read more »

7 years ago

People, people,
First, this is not a study, it is a survey. An extremely important distinction. However, that does not completely invalidate information. Many peer-reviewed studies are also full of skewed data. Take it for what it is – interesting. The topic is worth an actual study.
And ted – don’t be an ass. Almost all parents want what is best for their children, many choose to vaccinate because they believe it is best for their children, while others choose not to because they believe it is best for their families.

Sharon Ali
Sharon Ali
7 years ago
Reply to  Sabs

Atlast, I see someone neutral and open and logical. Nice input.

7 years ago

I am disappointed in this author because he/she is extremely irresponsible. I know that a lot of people on this site have very little formal training when it comes to biology, immunology, and diseases. I don’t blame anyone for that— however, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re reading online. There’s an abundance of information out there, and you have to consider the context of the article and if the information they’re presenting is valid or biased. Your “BELIEF” does NOT trump facts. The ‘research study’ mentioned in this article is linked here: https://thehomestead.guru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/MAWSON-STUDY.pdf If you read through it,… Read more »

Sharon Ali
Sharon Ali
7 years ago
Reply to  theBiologist


7 years ago

When they find a vaccine for stupidity sites like the homestead are doomed.

7 years ago

I’m sick of your fake news and fake studies undermining real science. You’re garbage, go to university and come back as a real journalist instead of taking a steaming dump all over the journalists oath.


7 years ago

People, people,
First, this is not a study, it is a survey. An extremely important distinction. However, that does not completely invalidate information. Many peer-reviewed studies are also full of skewed data. Take it for what it is – interesting. The topic is worth an actual study.
And ted – don’t be silly. Almost all parents want what is best for their children, many choose to vaccinate because they believe it is best for their children, while others choose not to because they believe it is best for their families.

7 years ago

You know what, I read the article, the info on the retraction, all the comments, watched Vaxxed, etc, etc, etc. I personally think everyone is f-ing stupid. I would like to know why this is even a conversation among the general population. Bottom line is, there are doctors that agree and doctors that don’t agree with vaccinations. They publish whatever and that is fine. It is to spread information to make us all informed. We take that info and do what we want. I want to know why anyone on this site, pro or anti, gives a flying fuck what… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Me

Your unvaccinated child is a danger to those children who for legitimate medical reasons can’t be vaccinated, as well as to all babies younger than vax age. Irresponsible and uninformed parenting. Period.
I do hope that none of you will ever be proven wrong, though. It’s not your poor children’s fault.

7 years ago

Even I do not have written/documented “study ” material I know that ” immunizations” do not make a population healthier. It just covers the problem to manifest itself when not held in check. Not unlike a horse that has been “broke/gentled” to ride then just left in the pasture to fend for itself it will eventually revert to being what it was originally, a survivalist. Point: Even though it is wriitten in many languages in many different forms, many people don’t believe in an entity many refer to as God. Even though I have never personally seen(or at least don’t… Read more »

7 years ago

Correction..”…without Nature we simply are “not”.

7 years ago

As an American not living in the States, I have to say y’all are in a world of hurt. Are any of you aware that our infant mortality rate is off the charts? As in, we have more infants dying under the age of one than every other developed nation! We even fall below Cuba and Slovenia! Why don’t you stop for just a minute and think about why that is? If vaccines are safe and effective, and we give more of them than any other nation, then our babies should be the safest… and they’re not. Not even close.… Read more »

Jack Meoff
Jack Meoff
7 years ago
Reply to  Jodi

Why are there so few cases of “wild polio”? Maybe because of Dr. Salk? So, you’d risk traveling to a country that has confirmed polio infections without being vaccinated against polio? If so, you’re a moron and will be treated as such.
Think that polio in adults is no big deal? You obviously have no idea who Roosevelt was, do you?

Jack Meoff
Jack Meoff
7 years ago

Posting links to retracted, false “studies” that encourage and allow delusional parents to not vaccinate their children which allows those children to be vulnerable to some of the most deadly diseases in human history is morally reprehensible. It may also leave the poster AND the website open to civil liability. Yes, the 1st Amendment allows one to say whatever they want. However, when one says something that leads to harm occuring to another (Think yelling “Fire” in a crowded movie theater) that leaves them open to civil remedies. ESPECIALLY when it can be proven that they were informed that the… Read more »

William Hamilton
William Hamilton
7 years ago

This article is total “BULLSHIT.” Having been a licensed Nurse for twenty years I know better! This is an unnamed report by an unnamed source. How could you possibly post such shit as this and expect any respect from your readers?

Mike Robbins
Mike Robbins
6 years ago

Bored, want something useful to do?
Imagine how many parents would be woken up to there legal right’s if all of a sudden on sidewalks and telephone poles and busy street corners etc.. Right as it is is time for enrollment signs appeared saying things like..
Safe, Legal, free.
No shot No School
Is a LIE !!

Find out when Enrollment is at schools in your area and do what’s Right!
Please copy paste and share this everywhere, let’s make this year count!

6 years ago

I saw some swedish studies from 15yrs ago, looked like unvaxed measled kids had about 35% of the lifelong chronic conditions of the vaxed unmeasled kids,… go figure?? and that was a published study, (not retracted) but as they say, this was only a survey, and the best indication is, we need some research into this,… the question emerges,…why cant we get any research off the ground? HHS has avoided reporting on safety or improvements for 30 yrs in neglect of their charter,… Posey cant get congress to even look at his bill proposing independent research,..? five years trying? If… Read more »

The thinking minority
The thinking minority
6 years ago

I’m your typical American and unless the mainstream media TV God’s tell me that vaccines cause injury then they don’t because I can’t think for myself or observe things for myself I have to go on what other people say so this must be wrong it’s been proven that vaccines do not cause autism or any kind of adverse reaction because if it was true that vaccines caused adverse reactions I’m sure it would be very well publicised all over the place let’s all just forget the fact that Bill Gates says we can reduce the population through changes in… Read more »

Lynne Stiles
Lynne Stiles
6 years ago

Can anyone posting show me one study showing the safety of any of the adjuvants in vaccines. Any studies not funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Is anyone aware that the government, specifically HHS, was told to do extensive safety studies on vaccines? And that just a few weeks ago they stipulated in court that had not done any, as in zero, in the 37 years they were supposed to be doing them. They were to report to congress every two years on their findings… that was why the law excluding vaccine makers from lawsuits was passed, because of that oversight.… Read more »

6 years ago

I wonder what the rate of cancer is among children who are vaccinated verses children who are unvaccinated?

Caroline Thompson
Caroline Thompson
6 years ago

Four kids, all vaccinated, all perfectly healthy. With the added bonus of not contracting polio, mumps , measles & meningitis whicH are all risked with death. I think I’d favour ADHD over death . Along with all of their class mates who I would imagine were also vacinated. What an absolute load of rubbish!

6 years ago

Brilliant, I wouldn’t even vaccinate my dog. I love him too an care about what would be injected into him.😁


[…] More from the Homestead Guru: Alarming New Study: Unvaccinated Kids are Healthier […]

Gasston Montand
6 years ago

You people are letting down those who support vaccinations and trying to do politicians and doctors out of a little bit of extra money, which they so badly need. I am not sure, by much the world’s population is intended to be culled, but you can splice it together from the talks of committed people, like Bill Gates, reading Agenda 21 of the UN etc. Probably only some 6000 million.. It is really unfair that those who tried and trying very hard to control the population by wars, GMOs, spreading infectious diseases, are exposed. The vaccine manufacturers are trying very… Read more »

6 years ago

This article has been retracted: study was only “provisionally accepted but not published,”.. see the following link

Facts 43
Facts 43
6 years ago

This study was NOT retracted- it was ignored and attacked, though, like all legitimate science that threatens Big Pharma.. published here still http://archive.is/PwUrN For anyone who works with vaxxed and unvaxxed kids like I have for many years, the obvious is blatantly obvious, only someone who is in denial would refuse to see it.. “I have over 13,000 children in my pediatric practice and I have to say, as unpopular as this observation might be, my unvaccinated children are by far the healthiest,” says Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician and addiction specialist who has been practicing medicine for 30… Read more »

6 years ago

Isn’t it interesting how everytime there is a study suggesting that vaccines are not safe the study is retracted and the authors are ridiculed? It makes me wonder….. I guess there is much more money invested in “proving” that the vaccines are safe than otherwise. Of course the pharmaceutical industry and other corporations and organizations sure don’t want to loose their money if vaccines were proven to be unsafe. But no, lets just blame those parents who once believed in vaccinations and either lost their children or their chidlren got” coincidently” severly sick after their shots. Those parents must be… Read more »