I used to soak my muscles in the Jacuzzi at my gym after a workout.  I had to stop because I noticed that the high levels of chlorine was causing irritation and dryness on my skin and eyes.  This...
Arched Cabins If you are in the market for a tiny home or small house, check out these unique arched cabins. They range in size from a quaint 8ft by 8ft to a whooping 24ft by 40ft. They will even...
In response to the lack of clean, drinkable water in some parts of the world, Italian-based Architecture and Vision has designed a water tower that harvests rainwater, dew, and fog. The company’s team claims it has the capability of...
1. Wild Cards These playing cards come with 52 different wild and edible foods. Perfect for your next camping or hiking trip! 2. WildCraft This educational and cooporative board game teaching young children about edible wild foods and medicinal plants / herbs. 3....
Off Grid Salt Water Battery Aquion Energy has developed a non-toxic off-grid solar battery that can last a household over 10 years! The salt water powered Aspen Solar batteries can handle daily use and require literally zero maintenance. The batteries...
The Barsha Pump ("Rain Pump" in Nepalize) is able to pump water from a moving river or stream to heights of 20 meters or more. The pump is based on ancient Egyptian technology and is basically a water wheel on a...
A More Powerful Design These new 3D solar panels are designed to capture the suns rays as it moves lower on the horizon. Developed by MIT researchers, this new solar design provides four to twenty times the power output of the...
This Double Shipping Container home is a great idea if you want to live underground. Using the Earth to keep your home a constant temperature is an age old idea. With building codes in effect on many places of earth,...
Many people use lots of water while showering at home, but this is not an option for people living off the grid. Our culture encourages daily showering, but is that really best for your hygiene?  I found that when I...
Brenda converted a 20ft shipping container into an amazing off grid tiny home!  Her passion for shipping container homes began when she was a small girl, and as an adult she turned her dreams into reality! She decided to keep...
Lilly Lovehart Kemp lives in a retro pop up tent in the back yard of a friend's house. By moving into a pop up tent she was able to save about 75% on her monthly rent. She parks in a garden, lives...
This family is living an extreme minimalist lifestyle. The father owns less than 50 items total. He went from an abundant lifestyle, owning multiple homes and cars with a monthly overhead of $20k per month!  When he realized how much...