This small Italian village is known for its mint essential oils. The land and environment in Pancalieri have provided excellent conditions for growing a variety of mints. In August you can smell the essence of mint wafting through the...
Catherine and her friend Juliet talk about flower essences at Barton Springs in Austin, Texas. Turks Cap is a native Texas flower, named ofter is appearance. This flower is good for releasing ancestral trauma that goes back generations in your...
Are you frustrated with the medical system? Do you believe it is too expensive and often does more harm than good? Would you like to start taking your health into your own hands, like your grandparents and all your other ancestors...
This entire year has been devoted to personal development.  Loving and caring for my body has been crucial. But can you get fit on a small budget and minimal time?  Absolutely! In fact, as a homesteader, you have everything...
Did you know that the first thing that you should do every morning is drink a tall glass of water?  It immediately recharges your body, wakes you up, and prevents headaches. You know what is even better than plain...
I hate water. There. I said it. It's boring, it always tastes strange to me, even if it's reverse osmosis or straight from my BERKEY. I just really don't like it. There was a period of time where I barely ever got...
As someone with insomnia and anxiety sometimes it is incredibly difficult for me to fall asleep. Racing thoughts keep my mind awake and me tired and uncomfortable. I started diffusing some of the oils I often use to induce...
I recently returned to the New England area, and people here are crazy about avoiding Lyme disease! Some go as far as never going into the woods, or making their children wear shoes AT ALL TIMES. Well...that’s not going to work...
When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest and with benefits such being anti-inflammatory....
For many a homesteader or gardener, weeds can be a major topic of conversation. They should be—but maybe not for the reasons you think! I’m not talking about eradication or even control of noxious or unwanted plant life. What I’m...
White willow bark has been consumed medicinally for centuries. It wasn't until 1829 that scientists found its active ingredient, salicin, which has similar health effects to aspirin. Hence, white willow bark is known as the original aspirin. The willow...
Registration is open and FREE tickets are now available for Marjory Wildcraft’s Home Medicine Summit 2018! Marjory has gathered 42+ experts who promise to set you free of drugstores by showing you how to be NATURALLY healthy… for pennies on the...