History History has come alive before our eyes in the Standing Rock Oil Pipeline stand-off. Standing Rock Sioux activists, joined by supporters from across the country, have seized land owned by Energy Transfer Partners (who is building the pipeline) in an act of...
A classroom in Maryland has gotten rid of desks for its students, and is reporting that the kids are able to do more and better quality work. Apparently, sitting at desks all day isn't what's best for the minds...
Sometimes lessons are best taught via storytelling. As a freethinker, however--it can be pretty tough to find any worthwhile stories to listen to. Reality TV doesn't cut it--and it's fake anyway... These three movies each offer a perspective on something profound that...
A chlorine leak was confirmed Friday near New Orleans at a DOW Chemical Plant. WBRZ broke the story just after 3pm as they notified local residents to stay indoors and turn off their air conditioners. This is important news for local...
Activists and police have both agreed to take a step back from the barricade to allow tensions to deescalate. This photo was captured from a live feed at 1:04 pm Central Standard Timezone. The pipeline activists are walking back across...
Did you know that in September of 2016, a gorgeous statue of a Native American woman went up in Chamberlain, South Dakota, to pay homage to the native peoples of that region--? It's called Dignity. The statue was commissioned in 2014 by...
This essay on decentralization originally appeared on Catherine's facebook page in March of 2017 - her family unit has shifted in soe ways, but the values still remain. The reason we (the Blush Family) decided to #decentralize our lives can...
Did you know Easter is the biggest candy-sales holiday in America, after Halloween? Instead of filling up plastic Easter baskets with plastic eggs, plastic "grass", and five pounds of High-Fructose Corn Syrup, why not make your own Easter baskets out...
Catherine stops in Arkansas to harvest blackberries and plums on their way to Indiana. You can homestead from the road by stopping at local farms along your route!!! The blackberries were eaten in the car and used in smoothies...