Home Authors Posts by Krystal Trammell

Krystal Trammell

WebDev, writer, and biz coach at www.KrystalTrammell.com. Permaculture-minded hippie + mother of five unschoolers.
It's possible that Congress will scrap what's known as the Affordable Care Act this year, to the dismay and alarm of many Americans. If this happens, natural remedies will undeniably see a rise in public interest! They're cheaper, easier to...
Potatoes are one excellent staple crop to grow in the home garden, but isn't there a lot of digging and back pain involved? Not necessarily! You can grow loads of russets, reds, golds, and even sweet potatoes in a trash...
Got a cracked or leaky garden hose laying around your yard? Maybe your dog chewed it up, or it got too much sun. Maybe you bought a really nice new hose and then ruined it with the lawnmower... BUT WAIT--don't throw...
When it comes to natural remedies, I don't follow any one school of thought. Instead, I'm a fan of doing whatever is simple to remember that WORKS. The Throw-Up Button is one of those wonderful things. It's easy to learn...
Okay, we're not lazy gardeners, really. We just want to reap the best harvest we can with the least amount of effort. Perennial plants really fit the bill here, because you only have to baby them from seed to maturity once,...
Shazam! When I was a kid, I remember being cautioned with dire warnings to never eat anything that didn't come from the grocery store. My parents were generally really cautious about nature. Poison ivy could be out there, you know. At...
Even the most dedicated health-foodies sometimes need (or want) to eat out - and for that, I'm glad there's Chipotle. Sure, they're a big business, but they're actively trying to find ways for sustainability and ethical food to harmonize. Chipotle just...
Anyone who has studied American laws, knows that there's almost always a loophole. This is precisely what the creator of an untraceable, 3D-printed assault weapon blueprint is using to his advantage. One man, Cody Wilson, is taking the defense of gun...
Sounds pretty pointless, doesn't it? Planting a tree for the sole purpose of chopping it down. It seems even more ridiculous when I tell you that the tree--called a black locust--grows incredibly fast, too. Why would anybody chop down a perfectly...
So one of your tomatoes went soggy or moldy before you could eat it? Bummer. But wait! Don't throw it away! What if I told you it's ridiculously easy to GROW a whole BUNCH of tomato plants from just a few...
We take our coffee seriously here at the Homestead Guru, but I'm not sure if I'll be shelling out for a cup of Kopi Luwak anytime soon. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, and it goes...
More and more people are coming to the realization that conventional, compulsory public school is a travesty of "education" and ideas like unschooling are taking off. Modern public schooling closely resembles the mechanized system of an industrial factory setup. It's...