Yesterday we finally tasted the weed berry booch and it honestly wasn’t what we expected. Despite having only added berries and cannabis leaves, my once tart brew was sweet like a juice. It’s something we find interesting and plan...
When you drink juice, highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and enzymes rapidly enter the bloodstream absorbing all of the nutritional benefits of the fruits and vegetables and giving your digestive organs a much-needed rest and with benefits such being anti-inflammatory....
There's nothing quite like good french toast, especially when you've got good things like pure maple syrup to top it with. This time I've decided to share my original recipe, for those talera-less out there. This was partially motivated...
Things are still brewing up here on the mountain and I'm pretty excited about that. As I look more into kombucha, I'm more intrigued as there's way more to it than I expected. I've found some sources that have...
Smoothies have become a stable part of my daily diet and morning routine. Since moving into an apartment (this was written in 2014, before the converted school bus) we have no longer had access to our former roommate’s blender....
When I was growing up, my best friend lived on a dairy farm.  Every day after school, we would ride the bus to her house and her mom would babysit me until my mom got home from work. I can’t...
Recently left our beloved Acapulco and we took a trip southward to Puerto Escondido in Oaxaca. While we were there we ate some really good food, all with meat that came from a local butcher. It was so good...
My focus in life is making things as simple as possible so that I can focus on the things that matter, being present for my child, creating, and going on fun adventures!  If there is a way to simplify...
As a Cannabis lover, my first question when trying new things is almost always something along the lines of “Can I put weed in it?” I kid you not, as stereotypical as it is that’s where my mind goes....
I’ve always had a secret love for that packaged strawberries and cream oatmeal and yesterday I decided to take a crack at my own. This was partially motivated by the fact that I have these “Fruit Stick” things that...
Most people know how hard it can be to consume enough produce in a day to get the nutrients we all need on a daily basis. Juicing has become a solution to this issue by removing the fibers and...
My kombucha hobby is a bit of an obsession at this point, which I find very interesting. It’s one of the few health food things I’ve taken on and actually rolled with. Booch may just be the kick in...