There is a deep and meaningful beauty found in nature.  Scottish sculptor Andy Goldsworthy has been taking this beauty and adding his own artistic touch to it to bring to life pictures that have been labeled transient and ephemeral....
Have you ever heard that tomato leaves are poisonous!? What if I told you they not only aren't poisonous but that they're actually really tasty and medicinal! Like all vegetables, they contain alkaloids that help defend against overgrazing, but...
Fascinating new research has revealed that we're not the only species that use an internet to communicate. Plants may seem like they don't do much from day to day, but they are actually able to send and receive complex communications...
A chlorine leak was confirmed Friday near New Orleans at a DOW Chemical Plant. WBRZ broke the story just after 3pm as they notified local residents to stay indoors and turn off their air conditioners. This is important news for local...
Check Out These Strange Plants! Mother nature is a powerful beast who has created some very strange plants!  From animal eating, to water storage, these plants are unlike most of the ones you will find on your homestead! The Banyan Tree - Native...
This essay on decentralization originally appeared on Catherine's facebook page in March of 2017 - her family unit has shifted in soe ways, but the values still remain. The reason we (the Blush Family) decided to #decentralize our lives can...
Did you know Easter is the biggest candy-sales holiday in America, after Halloween? Instead of filling up plastic Easter baskets with plastic eggs, plastic "grass", and five pounds of High-Fructose Corn Syrup, why not make your own Easter baskets out...
Video One Leah Romero contacted me about a recording she was able to upload from the front line of the Standing Rock Conflict that took place 2 days ago. Here is what I could understand from that video: "We need to frighten...
Catherine stops in Arkansas to harvest blackberries and plums on their way to Indiana. You can homestead from the road by stopping at local farms along your route!!! The blackberries were eaten in the car and used in smoothies...
The US Army Corps of Engineers announced Sunday that they will no longer allow the Dakota Access Pipe Line to be built underneath the Missouri River near the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota. The river provides drinking water for the...